Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Living Scroll of Angel Gabriel

The Living Scroll of Angel Gabriel

And the Angel Cried With a Loud Voice
  • Fulfilling the Word of Prophecy
  • God's Mighty Angel Sends out His Decree
  • As the Trumpet Blows
  • Enter The Four Horsemen
  • A Crown of Ashes
  • Here in the Beyond
  • Enter Armageddon
  • Enter the Fifth Woe
  • Gabriel's Trumpet

Home: The Living Scroll * The Seven Thunders * Prophecies by Naomi * The Eagle Star Rising *
The Seal Removed * Eagle Dance
Enter The Four Horsemen
A day of sober vigilance is at Hand
Oh Ye Inhabitants of Earth!
The Winds are called Forth from the Eastern Gate.
Prepare Ye, Watchers, for the Sifting Sands
And the Dredges of the Winepress of Wrath.
Stand Down false Priests and Workers of Craft!
Bow face down and kiss the Earth within her Bowels
To escape the torrent of Wind and Fire...
For When the Gate is Loosed
The Winds of Thunder will Roll across the Very Face of Heaven
And reach the Earth within Her Core
To expose Her Secret Bowels of Mercy.
Oh Reapers and Shepherds
Prepare the Tares
For the Burning Fire of Life
To cleanse the Land One Final Time
Of It's Stifling Darkened Night.
Out of Night's Fury Rides the One
Who Bears the Sceptor of Anguish and Blood...
Fulfilling the Word, the Last Time He Rides.....
To Bathe the Black Horse in Blood....
When Once and For ALL TIME a Work will be Wrought by the Trump
The Angel of Death now BE Vanquished to Eternity.
A Crown of Ashes
Looking down from the heavens near the Ancient Golden Throne
Peer the Eyes of the Holy and True
His Heart beating Love in melodious Tones
Giving Life to All His Creation.
For Aeons that Pass in Seconds of Time
He mourns in a deep sobbing Tone.
Tears veil the Earth as a mysterious Dew
That appears before the dawn of the Sun's awakening
Moistening all that it touches, the Dew of His Tears
Salts the earth with His sadness and pain.
The Living Waters of His Lighted Love
Quell the Fire that His Anguish Ignites
And preserves the Earth from total Consumption
For His Mercy is Great.
Oceans of Compassion swell within His Breast
And embrace Creation in her Arms.
Justice stands back for a time, a time,
And half a time again
And relents till All Has Been Finished.
Mercy extolled beyond it's bounds and graciously spent
Will acquiesce, stand back and turn away
When Vengeance comes forth in the Fury of Night
Consumed with the Fire of Cleansing Light
Clothed in Sackcloth and a Crown of Ashes.
Justice will reign Supreme for One Eternal Day
Till it fulfills the Word of It's Power,
Completing His Work of the Sword and the Blood
And the Ever Consuming Fire
Only to Make Way for the peace of the Lamb
Who in Meekness will conquer Fury of Night
And reclaim His Crown all burnt with the Flame
Replacing the Ashes with the Glory of His divine Love.
Here In The Beyond
The Tears of the Mournful fall as a Torrent of Water from the Heavens
And mingle upon the Earth forming Rivers of Water
And Blood shed by the Innocent.
Vapors from the Rivers rise up forming a Mist of Agony and Grief
Filling the nostrils of the Wicked Murderers and Destroyers
with a Torrid Scent that wrests and Chokes the Strength of the Evil Force
Created in the Void without Love
That is apathetic to Mercy
That Stands blinded in the Presence of Grace
And Finds no Solace Anywhere in it's Existence....
Peace having Fled from It's Haunting Face.
Relinquish the Tears of the Mournful!
Redeem the Lives of the Innocent!
Drown the Wicked Murderers and Destroyers in the River of Life!
Purge them of Their Iniquitous Deeds
And Cast Them Beyond the Outer Void
Into the deepest Well of Peace and Solace
Where Mercy walks in the hand of Grace.
Here, Anoint Them in Their Nothingness
And Immerse Them in the All That Is so They May Become
Just as the Innocents They have Slain.
Alas, is Justice Served!
What Was Once has Become and Is Again.
Like All Creation, Beginning and Ending
Here, in the Vastness of the Great Void
Beyond All Evil
Beyond all Innocence
Just One Beautiful Perfect Circle
Of Nothingness!
Perfect in it's Beauty
Enter Armageddon
The Sanctuary has been opened and He issued out from it riding a white Hrose
Holding a Scepter of Truth and Righteousness in His right Hand.
In His Forehead He bore the Mark of the Cross revealing the nail prints.
He bore a Testimony to all Who would See Him as Appears
That All Who take upon them the mark of His Testimony
These signs would appear on those who transform and be a sign unto the World
Of His Coming.
His Name issued forth from the Eternities
As the Fire of the Holy and True.
His Feet were like flaming fire and Chariots and Wheels of Fire.
From within His Bosom came the Seraphim
Who have kept watch at the Tree of Life.
As He emerged through the Door of the Sanctuary, the Sun burst
With a Fiery Explosion as the Earth had never witnessed.
Fragments of Matter from the Explosion came hurling to the Earth
As Thousands of Comets, impacting the Earth as She and a Deluge of Fragments collided.
In the Twilight of the Sun's explosion, It moved away from the Earth
Drawing with it Fragments of the Earth Herself into the Heavens
Flowing as if being drawn by a Magnet
Formed by the thrust and power of the Winds and the Fire.
Like the Sound of many Trumpets His Voice issues forth a Declaration
Causing the Earth to Reel To and Fro at the Sound Thereof.
Enter the Four Horsemen.
The Great Battle of Armageddon begins!
The Dragon, Most Abominable and Unholy of all Creation
Watches as the Rider on the White Horse emerged from His Sanctuary
And is Moving toward the Earth.
In fury, the great Dragon holds out his Wrath at the Rider
And whips his Tail attempting to destroy the Holy and True riding the White Horse.
As the Rider stretched forth the Scepter held in His right Hand
The Dragon was swallowed up the Power Thereof
For A Time
Cast out of the Heavens never to return.
The Past, the Present and the Future all become one
As time Forever stands still.
The Dragon exists in the past, and in the present, and in the future
Forever lost in his own confusion as the Anomoly in Time Expands.
Elijah prepares the Way of the Coming of the Holy and True
Who enters the heavens riding the White Horse.
Elijah is now present on the Earth.
Elijah is present in the Heavens.
He is manifested as many upon the Earth, in the heavens
And in the Realms of all Creation.
Yet, Elijah stands still and unmoving with the Ancient of Days
At the Beginning Before All Time before Creation Was.
Elijah's coming to this Earth was heralded by the Birth of a Great Star
In the Host of the Heavens. Yet His Prophecy is foretold
After his coming as he is not bound by the Reckoning of Time.
As the Door to the Sanctuary opens
Time becomes confused and the Anamoly in Time takes place.
Those Who see as mortals will be unable to fathom this reckoning of Time.
Chaos will disrupt their logic and send them into the Annals of a Great Illusion.
The Confusion of Time causes past, present and future to exist simultaneously
Plummeting some from consciousness between the Times~
Shuffling their memory Back and Forth~
Others wil be drawn to the future and back.
A Great Confusion hinders the Awakening of Many
Except for those Who already have beheld the Great Remembering.
Those Who are fully Awake will remain Solid in their Consciousness
And Understand All that is happening in their Midst.
These Ones will guide the Others over the Arc and across the Great Bridge....
Ater a Time...
To the New Earth.
All will marvel at the Glory of the new Earth
Her Radiance fueled by the Sun of Night and the Sun of Day
The Two Brothers who form the Arc of the Bridge to the new Earth.
The New Sun was formed after man entered the Great Confusion
Which exists as both a Time and a Place.
Following the birth of the new Sun, the former sun returned
And stretching out their Arms to Meet, they formed a Bridge
Between the two Suns of Day and Night.
A new Earth rose up out of Creation and formed an Arc with the Former Earth.
Those who possess the Knowing of the Beginning
The Awareness before the former Earth was created
Crossed the Bridge from the former Earth to the new One
Under the Arc of the Firmament, Heaven's Bridge joining the two worlds.
Those Who Remember will guide Those in Confusion and Chaos
By taking them by the Hand and Walking them across the Bridge
To the Light of the New Earth illuminated by the two Suns.
some, who are in confusion, will remain in their state of consciousness,
Will walk with the former Earth and see by the light of ther former sun
For a Time
Until the Awakening comes.
Then, in an Instant, they will Transform to the brightness of the new Earth
Carried through the portals of the Vortex in Time.
All Illusion will be erased from Their Minds.
Here, on the glorious new Earth, they will reign with the Holy and True
In Peace Forever and Ever. Amen and Amen.
Enter the Fifth Woe
A curtain of despair enshrouds the cloaks of humanity.
Understanding diminishes as the Vials of Wrath pour forth
From the Four Winds of the Eternities
Reaping that which they have sown, desiring that which is to come to nought.
Justice reigns in the Circles of Love that emmanted from the
Heart of Creator.
His Power is Infinite and Omnipotent.
His Word casts the Elements Asunder and cannot return Void.
Such is the Power of the Free Agency He has bestowed upon Mankind.
In Thinking Man Creates.
In Speaking He condemns.
In Ignorance, man Fears.
In Sowing, he Flees the Harvest.
His Vestibule of Mercy is Depleted.
Desiring Justice Blindly he commands the Elements to Obey his every Whim
And Shouts in Voices of Heressy to the Almighty I Am.
Turning a deaf ear to such Vanity, the Father turns His Back
And leaves the Universe to it's own Power,
For A Time
Before He can hold out His arm again and Deliver from the Wrath.
The Woes of Wrath come Forth as the Great Spirit covers His Eyes and Heart.
Justice prepares to Fulfill it's Work and return to the Vastness of the Beyond,
Where it will empty the bitterness of it's Bowels on a Null Universe,
To Echo into the Nothingness.
Four Woes are Past and being Delivered from the Depths of the Beyond.
As swiftly as the Vials are emptied,
The Fifth Woe enters with the Breath of Justice
While the Trumpets prepare to Sound.
Prepare for the Cup that overfloweth and Cling to the
Bowels of Mercy that have been poured out upon the Earth.
Store up your Vials in the Sanctuaries of Light
Hidden in the Secret Chambers of the Earth.
Heed the Voices that Summon the Sheep to the Fold
And Hearken to the Spirit of the Eagles that struggle to Gather.
Come together in the Heart of Love
And Ascend with the Spirits of Light
As the Door to the Sanctuaries begin to open.
The Mountains will Cover your Souls in safety
In the Midst of Creation's Darkest Hour.
Heed the Trumpets and Taste the Waters of the Bitterness of Wrath gingerly
And with Great Caution.
To each is Meted that which was Sown.
The Harvesters are Wise Sifting Angels.
Prepare to follow the Forerunners from the Throne
Who come to Preserve a Remnant fo the Lights
Prepared to Seed the New Kingdom.
As Mankind relents of it's Darkness and Yields to the Father of Lights,
Justice will Hurl them to the Depths of Despair,
Where their Hearts will be Translated to Sculpting Clay
And Their Minds renewed in the Dust.
Ashes will blow away with the Dross of the Fields
While the Wheat will prosper in the Fields of His New Kingdom.
Have no Fear when the Whispering calls to your Heart
In Merciful Tones.
Follow the Sound in the Direction Thereof,
And Exodus to the Mountain of Light.
Prepare with Fasting
And Glee of Spirit
As Elijah sweeps the Dust of the Kingdom.
Celebrate in Song as Gabriel Sounds the Trump.
Rejoice for the Sixth Woe comes Quickly.
Inspiration received on February 20, 2000 from the Angel Gabriel;
Three days prior to the splitting of the Peace Rock at Joshua Tree, California.
This was a significant sign to the Native American Prophecies.
Gabriel's Trumpet
From the Outer Reaches of the Galaxy, Gabriel sounds His Trumpet
Calling the Stars together to Light the Path
For the Descension of his Myriad of Angels.
Like a Cloud of Fiery Vapor they enter the Heavens
As a Mist in the pre-morning Dawn,
Lighting the Horizon with a faint glow
That blazes brighter with the Rising of the Sun.
Sounds of the Angels advancing plays as Music in Harmony
With the Stars as they pass by,
Swiftly brushing their Essence with the Radiant Pulse of the Telestial Lights.
The Symphony intensifies as their Speed Increases,
Their Advance synchronizing with the Magnetic Pulse
Of the Heavenly Bodies in their Path,
Whose Gravity embraces their Lights and Grasps the Angels' Robes
Pulling them into their Stellar Bosoms.
Advancing swiftly, the Chorus engages with the Tones of Love and Mercy
Present in every Element of Space, and creates a Symphony
Led by a Star both Noble and Ancient in Stature.
Enter Gabriel to sound the Trump that heralds the Birthing of a Nation.
Humbly he bows his head and closes his eyes,
In reverance to the Father of Lights.
As a servant to the Master of all Creation,
Gabriel beckons to those who follow behind
To stand in silence and listen as the Father speaks in Tones of Mystery
The Desire His Heart calls to be heralded for all Creation.
In Silence, the Stars and Suns and Angels
Revere the Scene unfolding before their eyes.
Gabriel stands frozen in the Depths of Compassion
While the Father whispers in Tones of Love.
Head still bowed and eyes fast closed, knees bent and Heart Afire...
Gabriel purses his lips to the Mouth of the Trumpet
In an Act of Deferent Honor.
The Heavenly Host holds it's Breath in Awe for seconds of Eternal Silence,
Awaiting the Shout of the Archangel's Trump
To signal the Legion of God's Heavenly Host
To advance on the Birthing New Nation.
Inspiration received on February 20, 2000 in Pocatello, Idaho.

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