Friday, May 21, 2010

Protect your Rights with Legal Insurance - Protégez vos droites avec l'assurance légale

Read this in French or English - Lisez ceci en français ou anglais 

Protégez vos droites contre des réclamations injustes contre la propriété d'affaires et assurez-vous que vous êtes couvert avant des extrémités d'un cas vers le haut devant le tribunal. Professionnels avec  assurance juridique vous conseillera au sujet de vos droites légales donnant les détails particuliers qui doivent être inclus dans votre contrat d'assurance. Soyez assuré que quand vous signez un contrat d'assurance vous aurez les avocats-conseils légaux si et quand vous avez besoin de lui. Le litige fait partie du service qu'ils offrent. Les coûts de cour ne viendront pas car une facture de surprise pour des dépenses supplémentaires parce que l'assurance est écrite dans votre politique. Si vous devez poser plus de questions n'importe quand, des consultations libres par l'email de phoneor. 

L'auteur de minuit

English translation below - Traduction en anglais ci-dessous

Protect your rights from unfair claims against business ownership and make sure you are covered before a case ends up in court. Professionals with assurance juridique will counsel you about your legal rights giving the particular details that need to be included in your insurance contract. Be assured that when you sign an insurance contract you will have legal counsel if and when you need it. Litigation is part of the service they offer. Court costs will not come as a surprise bill for added expenses because coverage is written into your policy. If you need to ask more questions any time, free consultations by phone or email.

The Midnight Writer

Monday, April 19, 2010

Blog Disclosure Policy

This policy is valid from 20 November 2008

For questions about this blog, contact The MidnightWriter at

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.

The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.

The owner(s) of this blog would like to disclose the following existing relationships. These are companies, organizations or individuals that may have a significant impact on the content of this blog. We serve on the following corporate or non profit boards: Angels of The Light Interfaith Ministry. We blog about people to whom we are related. The most interesting such people are: Our children and grand children..

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Monday, April 12, 2010

It's easy to get Health Insurance Quotes

Something as important as buying insurance is not as difficult as it seems if you read a little about it first. Well, getting a Health Insurance Quote is much simpler than actually figuring out which questions to ask. In fact, many insurance companies and brokers provide a simple questionnaire on their website that makes it easy for you to get an estimate on what you'll be spending for a health insurance policy. Find the company who you want to get a quote from then click to the free quote page. There should be a list of questions with some multiple choice answers. Choose the answers that best suit you and within minutes you'll have an estimate. It's that easy.

You might encounter questions about individual plans or family policies or Group Health Insurance. Actually, choosing the plan you want will be one of the first multiple choice questions. Next, you provide your name, contact information, gender, age, and give the same information for your family. Most companies today will not sell medical insurance without asking whether or not you are a smoker. It's a definite question you will always have to answer when you buy Life Insurance .  Students get a lower premium until they reach a certain age or when they graduate college so having one or more students on a family policy will save you some money. All this information is factored into some algorhythmic software and the end result is a quote for your health insurance policy and how much you will pay monthly. It takes about three minutes of your time so get your quote today and start planning your medical insurance.

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The Midnight Writer